7 Tips for Working Moms

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From Huffingtonpost.com

For working mothers, trying to squeeze everything into 24/7 can be exhausting. After dealing with this exhaustion myself, I decided to come up with a list of tried and true ways to combat it. Below are a few tips and tricks that I suggest will help you balance family, work, and all the craziness that pops up in between

1. Learn to Let Go:

Just when you think you have a grip on your schedule, someone gets sick or the car breaks down. The only thing we can do in these moments is take a breath and keep moving forward.

2. Make Lists:

Lists for you, lists for hubby, lists for whomever. Get things off your plate, delegate. You can text or use an old fashioned notebook. Getting your ideas out of your head and onto a concrete piece of paper helps to clear your head and keep you organized.

3. Stand Up for Your Rights at Work:

If you put in 100% effort, expect the same respect in return. When you are at work, keep focused and work hard. It’s easy to get distracted, but don’t let yourself. This attitude might help you move up in ladder.

4. Be Offline from 6-9:

Set aside these hours for precious family time that your kids need. Turn off your devices until the kids go to sleep so you can relax and enjoy their company.

5. Learn to Say No:

Having a schedule too full of activities will push you over the edge. This includes work activities and your kid’s extracurricular ones. I am not saying to cancel every event, but be mindful of how much you are squeezing in to a small amount of time during the week and on your precious weekends.

6. Make the Weekends About Family:

Everyone works hard during the week at work or school. The weekends should have some relaxation time built in so you can start the next work week fresh and stress free. My family tries to set aside one day with no obligations…Not even setting an alarm!

7. Breathe. Repeat. Breathe. Repeat.


dsc_0013Blissfulmamas is inspired by living in the moment, embracing the chaos and enjoying the crazy wonderful ride of motherhood. As working professionals, we really do have it all! Come as you are and embrace it. Families are like snowflakes, each different and unique, no two the same. The antiquated idea of the perfect roadmap to raising a family, balancing a professional job, and everything else in and between is long overdue for a make over! Blissfulmamasis a networking community for working mamas with a positive outlook, looking to collaborate with each other on career advancements, job opportunities, managing and organizing family life, without forgetting about the long overdue personal “me” time. Our goal is to act as a positive outreach for working mamas and be a place where working mamas can collaborate & find resources, all available on the go!


Why Your Company Should Hire More Mothers

Please see the release of this story on WiLab!


Katharine Zaleski is doing big things for working mothers in the tech field. As the President and Co-Founder of PowerToFly, a global platform that connects top female talent, primarily in tech, with remote and in-office jobs, Katharine points to the simple truth that women have changed, but workplaces haven’t. In her most recent article in the Fortune; she discusses the remaining stereotypes and discrimination against working mothers in the workforce.

It’s time to break that cycle, and it starts with the people doing the hiring. The way I acted in my twenties had a lot to do with denial. If I didn’t embrace or recognize the mothers on my team, then I didn’t have to think about what my future would be like. I see the same behavior in young women I talk to who are in charge of hiring, especially in the tech space. They are hard liners – and passionate lecturers – about women being in the office so they can be part of the company’s “culture”.

Zaleski with her husband and child. Photo from Fortune.com

It is refreshing to see another mother who admittedly and candidly explores her mistakes, offers up apologies when needed, and moves forward, helping us all in the end. Women supporting other women is vital to the success and growth of women in the workforce today.

I wish I had known five years ago, as a young, childless manager, that mothers are the people you need on your team. There’s a saying that “if you want something done then ask a busy person to do it.” That’s exactly why I like working with mothers now.

PowerToFly is making a connection between organizations and highly experienced female workers, offering innovation and diversity in the workplace in flexible and remote solutions. Her vision is truly one of the future. Not only is she supporting working mothers and pushing organizations to embrace this change in our culture, she is giving women in tech a good name.


dsc_0013Blissfulmamas is inspired by living in the moment, embracing the chaos and enjoying the crazy wonderful ride of motherhood. As working professionals, we really do have it all! Come as you are and embrace it. Families are like snowflakes, each different and unique, no two the same. The antiquated idea of the perfect roadmap to raising a family, balancing a professional job, and everything else in and between is long overdue for a make over! Blissfulmamasis a networking community for working mamas with a positive outlook, looking to collaborate with each other on career advancements, job opportunities, managing and organizing family life, without forgetting about the long overdue personal “me” time. Our goal is to act as a positive outreach for working mamas and be a place where working mamas can collaborate & find resources, all available on the go!

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